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Chongqing Dujiang Composites Co., Ltd. A fibreglass manufacturer of chopped fiberglass mat、fiberglass roving、fiberglass mesh、fiberglass woven roving and so on. je jedným z dobrých dodávateľov materiálu zo sklenených vlákien. V Sichuane sa nachádza továreň na sklolamináty. Among the many excellent glass fiber manufacturers, there are only a few fiberglass roving manufacturers that are really doing well, CQDJ is one of them.We are not only fiber raw material supplier, but also supplier fiberglass.We have been doing fiberglass wholesale for more ako 40 rokov. Sme veľmi oboznámení s výrobcami sklenených vlákien a dodávateľmi zo sklenených vlákien po celej Číne.
Curing Agent is general purpose methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) for the curing of unsaturated polyester resins in the presence of a cobalt accelerator at room and elevated temperatures, is developed for general purpose GRP- and non GRP-applications such as the curing of laminating živice a odliatky.
Practical experience throughout many years has proven that for marine applications a special MEKP with low water content and without polar compounds is demanded in order to prevent from osmosis and other problems. Kurtový agent je pre túto aplikáciu MEKP.
V prípade otázok týkajúcich sa našich produktov alebo pricelist, prosím, zanechajte e -mail a my budeme v kontakte do 24 hodín.